Physical Qualifications
The Candidates must be physically fit
and should possess the following minimum physical standards as
prescribed below
For General Candidates
(a) Height: 165 cms
(b) Weight: 50 Kgs
(c) Chest: 81 cms
(d) Chest Expansion: 5 cms
For SC/ST Candidates
(a) Height: 160 cms
(b) Weight: 48 Kgs
(c) Chest: 76 cms
(d) Chest Expansion: 5 cms
Note: Physical Measurement of the
candidates will be taken prior to the test and those who do not
satisfy the prescribed Physical standards will not be allowed to
participate in the Physical Efficiency test under any circumstances.
Must have proficiency in swimming
Note:- The proficiency in swimming will
be tested by a practical test conducted by the commission. The
following are the criteria for the swimming test.
(i) 50m swimming trial to be completed
within two minutes.
(ii) Two minute floating ability at the
deeper sides of the swimming pool. Candidate must qualify both the
events to be considered as qualified in the swimming test.
Visual Standards
Must possess the Visual Standards
specified below without glasses. Right Eye Left Eye (a) Distant
vision 6/6 Snellen 6/6 Snellen (b) Near vision 0.5 Snellen
0.5Snellen (c) Field of Vision Full Full
Note 1: a) Each eye must have full
field of vision. b) Colour Blindness, Squint or any morbid conditions
of the eyes or lids of either eye shall be a disqualification for
Note 2 : Must be certified to possess
the visual standards specified above without glasses. Candidates
should produce a Medical Certificate issued by a Medical Officer not
below the rank of a Civil Surgeon as to the candidates physique,
fitness and capacity for rough outdoor work and also of the visual
standards when the commission intimates
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